To attract attention many companies today do a lot of money to invest in advertising. Important here is a good mix of online and offline activities, which may be very different depending on the industry put together into a single package. For restaurants, it is at the present time, for example, important to be present in the Internet, there may also publish the menu and opening times, with the advertising in the region and in the city can be very important. Particularly the elderly Consumer risking little look on the internet, even if it is available to them in order to look for opening times or events offered by the restaurant (like a BBQ). Particular events such as specialty weeks can be promoted with the help of reindeer running figures of hotels. Reindeer is a specialty in Norway and Finland, but also in this load now and then served in restaurants. Running with the Reindeer costume that you can buy at low running costume shop, can also take advantage of animal welfare organizations to make aware how strong the reindeer are threatened in their home yet. Namely only an estimated 2,200 animals living in the forests of Western Russia and Finland. To advertise with such animal walking acts animal welfare organizations, and of course for other endangered species like pandas and seals. A seal costume comes running as it used when attention is drawn to the plight of thousands of seals is that year after year may be killed legally. Panda, however, to run into costume welfarists swing when it comes to promoting the conservation of the habitats of pandas still living in freedom and to collect donations. The running figures arouse in children of all attention and automatically trigger also a cozy effect. Especially for Italian restaurants there is also pizza running figures that advertise events or the normal operation of pizzerias. P to R costume types: Panda Costume Panther Costume Parrot Costume Puffin costume Patriots costume Pelican Costume Horse Costume Plum costume Penguin costume Pirate Costume Pizza Costume Puma costume Raven Costume Deer costume Reindeer Costume Road Runner Costume Robbe Costume Roman Costume